Check out this Bugs Theme Classroom Decor from Schoolgirl Style. I enjoy using Melanie’s classroom decor, and when I knew I was making the switch from K-5 reading intervention to KINDERGARTEN (!!!!!), my first thought was what did I already own that I would use again in my new room, and what colors did they mostly come in. For me it was basically all the Primary Colors. So when I found this BUGS theme, I knew it would go perfectly and I am OBSESSED with polka dots!!
Before you take a look around, please know that MANY hands went into helping me create this space for my kinders! I could not have done it without them, and hopefully when they read this…they know exactly who they are! THANK YOU!
Bugs Theme Classroom Decor

You may remember this table from my Vintage Circus theme! I am loving those seat crates I made even more in Kindergarten! They are holding all my extra supplies (tissues, wipes, snacks etc.) They are a MUST in my room!

I love this board because the kids get so excited to see their work hung! It also helps me add to the seasonal holidays in my room without drastically decorating.

This area holds toys from my childhood, Donors Choose projects, and things I have accumulated over the years! A favorite area for my students.

The book boxes near the window hold all my seasonal read-alouds! That is something new I started this year and I love that I can easily access them. The “famous” rainbow drawers are also new, and I am enjoying using them to sort my daily plans and activities, as well as, my “copy, file, grade” organization.

The classroom library is set up using the bundle from Kinder Craze! It is an excellent organizational system for myself AND the kids!

Some of the calendar pieces are from the Target Dollar Spot and Kinder Craze on TPT!

Below the reading board are the reading and math sensory bins! I was able to get these “water tables” from a Donors Choose project! I fill them with seasonal math and literacy activities!

The laminated rectangle Astrobrights allow me to write the names of the students and change them accordingly! The bugs in the center are also adjustable for daily rotations.

Classroom Decor continued…

This year, I decided to place all our words on the wall prior to learning them. Now as we learn them, the “Word Detective” locates the sight word(s), and we pull them off the wall for the week while we are learning them! We place them back on the wall after.

This was one of my favorite boards to create! Inspired by Melanie’s line. It was the first board I envisioned and I enjoy changing the bugs to their job mason jar every two weeks!

The students pictures are now underneath their birthday month. I like displaying them whenever possible! We took the photos on the first day of school, and each student is holding up their birth date.
This is also the morning check-in area!

I hope you enjoyed taking a look around!
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