Here is my current Second Grade classroom! It is the Hello Sunshine Classroom Decor from SchoolGirl Style. I have used her themes since my first year of teaching back in 2015. I love the quality, and variety that she has to choose from!
You can view my other classroom decor themes by clicking “classroom decor” on the right hand side, or scroll to the bottom for other decor inspiration!
Let’s check out some BEFORE and AFTER looks of the classroom! Coming from Kindergarten, I went with this theme because a majority of my items were primary colors/rainbow. I wanted to be sure everything was cohesive and blended together nicely. This Hello Sunshine theme allowed me to do just that!



To help with the flow of my classroom, I like to have their mailboxes, lunch choice station and bathroom management system located as soon as they enter the classroom!
Classroom Jobs…the system I seem to change every year but I think I FINALLY have found a system I can actually manage. At the beginning of the year, the students decorate a handprint cut out with their name on it. I then place the hands on rings, and turn them everyday to pick my “Helping Hands.” They will complete all the jobs for the day.

My reading nook and guided reading area, are two of my favorite spots in my classroom! Our subject area bulletin boards hold our most recent anchor chart that we create together to reference back to while learning! Students are taught how to book shop and maintain a clean library area during the year.
Everything in the room has been collected by me over the years! Each time I choose a new theme, I make sure that it is cohesive with bins and other items in my room. I think that is the easiest way to have a bright and crisp classroom! Let those items guide your color scheme and theme!
Classroom Decor is a HUGE passion of mine. I love to create a space that runs smoothly, is colorful and welcoming, and holds touches of the students (student created alphabet, name plates, handprints, etc.) throughout the room!