Check out this Vintage Circus Theme Classroom Decor! Check out how I used the “Vintage Circus” theme from schoolgirlstyle and KinderCraze. This was my theme for two years, but packed it away to use when I want a change again in the future! I LOVED this theme! It makes the atmosphere fun and colorful. I had images printed from a local print shop and then laminated them using my SCOTCH laminator.
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Vintage Circus Classroom Decor Tour:

This was the view when you first entered into my room. I had the cabinet spray painted to match my theme. I stored school supplies, holiday decorations and extra books inside. Our class fish Ferdinand, was a room favorite (may he R.I.P)! In the yellow, red and blue stacking bins-I kept any supplies that the students may have needed to use during group (pencils, markers, crayons, glue sticks etc.).

We used our word wall to add mastered words at the end of each lesson! The students got to add them and then they were used as a spelling/writing resource throughout the year. I can’t tell you how much I loved this resource (and still use one today). Below the word wall, I hung student work from the clothes pins which I spray painted and washi taped.

Below, you will see my “Star Reader” board! Each student had their own chart which held their individialized LLI Level goal for the year. Each time they moved to a new level, they placed a star on the mastered level and received a fun reading pencil! The students enjoyed watching themselves make gains as their chart filled up!

The “reading corner” was one of my favorite spaces in my classroom! I used book labels from the KinderCraze TPT store by Maria Gavin, and the bins were from Lakeshore Learning. I used frames from Walmart for the “R.E.A.D” and command strips to secure. I also had a standing table for the students.

Let the tour continue…
My students favorite part of the classroom…my “reading nook”! I let two students in the nook at a time, and I usually had a rotating list! I made the storage bin seats for a flexible seating option. The filing cabinets held center materials, and extra activities.

Here is a view of the far side of my classroom, where many of the reading groups took place (I was the K-5 Literacy Specialist at the time). This was the wall where I hung posters that helped reading groups, my focus wall and my writing bulletin board.

Check out my teacher area! Here was my very first teacher desk! The bins behind my desk, held my weekly lesson plans and materials.

This book shelf was another one of my teacher faves! It held all my favorite read alouds and my teaching manuals!

We did “centers” in my room on Friday! I only had my reading groups for 30 minutes a day, so it is a nice way for the students to end their week.

Thanks for touring my old room (had this my second and third year of teaching…first year wasn’t quite as pretty)!
Please feel free to comment with any questions you may have about my previous classroom decor!
You have put new life to the good old forgotten vintage circus theme, I am just amazed to see the creativity. I have collected Mexican party supplies and will use this theme with that.
Thank you so much! Check out schoolgirlstyle.com to see other great classroom themes! She was my inspiration for this theme and for my current theme which will be up on the blog soon!