The beginning of the school year is approaching! Which can mean that some of you are moving classrooms. Either again or for the first time! I have moved classrooms FOUR times and I feel like I have it down to a successful science. Let me help you with some tips and tricks for moving!

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Tips and Tricks for Moving
Tip # 1: I like to work along the perimeter of the classroom when I am packing it up! This way similar items get packed together, but also when I go to UNPACK they are together. Be sure to PURGE! Purging is much easier while you are putting things in boxes, than it is when you are taking things out of boxes. Teachers LOVE to hang on to things we think we might need one day. Don’t worry…I am guilty as charged!
Tip #2: Pack “like” items together. This means…books go with books (or rather book genres, themes go together), toys with toys or morning bins, math manipulatives with math manipulatives or math centers, “teacher” desk items together, organizational bins together, etc. TRUST ME, you will thank me later. Figure out what organizational strategy works best for you.
Tip #3: Use “bankers boxes” and packaging tape. You can purchase “bankers boxes” at any office supply store or store area. The great thing about these is they fit a ton (surprisingly) , but you can toss them when you are done moving. Unlike totes that have to stored. You could also choose to store the boxes and they don’t take up as much room as a tote would. Label the boxes with permanent marker as you pack! See more about labeling below…
Tip #4: DO NOT unpack until you have the perimeter of your classroom decorated and furniture set up to your liking. This means bulletin boards done, as well as, a good idea of how you want your room to flow. To take it a step further, decorate first. I find that when you know how you want your room to flow, it’s easier to know what to unpack where! Rather than lugging it from one corner, to one table and back.
Tip #5: Unpack in sections. This means, start with your teacher area, then move to your classroom library, etc. Again, think about moving along the perimeter. This stops you from unpacking too much! Remember, you are in a new space and you may not need everything/have room for it. As you unpack, really consider this and leave the rest in storage. It is always there when you need it.
Other items to help you move…
I encourage you to label ALL THE THINGS! Not just when you moving, but also once you are settled into your new classroom. Using labels is the best way to stay organized and help your students stay organized! Check out some of the labels below and see which goes with your classroom theme!

You can find these labels here, or click the image of theme you want!
Happy moving and organizing! It can be a lot of work, but I hope this helps!
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